Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Benefits of Owning a Growing Dome Greenhouse

Geodesic domes greenhouse is the most sufficient in terms of practicality and convenience. Because greenhouse domes are made to produce fruits, plants and vegetables that was fresh and could plant throughout the year even in winter seasons. Building domes were beneficial and could be exciting especially if you are environmentally oriented person because it could really help you to produce plants without worrying about the seasons.

A dome was made in the early 1920’s at the post World War by Walther Beuersfeld a German engineer and was employed under Carl Zeiss company. He originally designed the dome for planetarium to cover his new planetary projector. He was the first to create the planetarium that could project thousands of stars and planets. 20 years after, R. Buckminster Fuller reinvented and popularized the dome that was now called “geodesic domes”. Geodesic is a word that comes from Greek word which means “earth dividing”. Mainly because of the great circles of the dome that shapes like a ball. Fuller was an American engineer, inventor and designer that mainly engaged in architectural designs. He was best known because of his works in geodesic domes greenhouse that he developed after Beuersfeld invented it. Fuller wanted to build a strong stable structural system that's why he started in building various strips around it and was formed a triangles as they crossed. The dome has a highest ratio that is enclosed to external surface area. It is a portion of geodesic sphere an arrangements of polygons that will formed approximates spheres. The triangles around it are in perfect shapes for it could resist forces that mostly exposed in outdoor temperature fluctuations that make it more flexible. Domes were typically constructed much more easier because of the light materials that used. A portion of a triangle can be removed without weakening the whole structure. The spaces were provided to accommodate insulation to the interior and exterior wall. However domes can maximize strength and minimizing the cost of construction.

Geodesic domes have been used in jungle gyms, stadium, storage, outdoor tent supports and exhibitions. Domes are flexible because if you want to build a bigger dome you can utilize the icosahedron as a building block and by adding triangular subdivisions around it. In practical perspective there is also disadvantages in building a geodesic domes, one of these is the limited large flat surface because domes were often has a large numerous edges around it. The maintenance of the edges can be tough to prevent leaking which can be challenging in terms of structures. The spaces can be less usable because the structures were enclosed and all covered that could exposed in moisture. Despite of the disadvantages, domes were still useful because there's assurance that your plants will be more nutritious, fresh and free from any pollutants. You can grow abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits.. and most of all, you can saved amount of energy because domes are mostly solar powered that no need to use of electricity. You can also delight in having a more relaxing ambiance and nurturing the beauty of the environment of your own property.  

Read more about: Geodesic Dome Greenhouses